Glenn Lean
Equine Dental Technician

A Protuberant/Dominant Tooth

Dental Overgrowth's causing malocclusion's are quite common in the horse, overgrowth's alter lateral excursion and affect normal mastication resulting in weigh loss and poor digestion.
Without proper dental maintenance overgrowth's can become more severe and detrimental to the horses well being.
This image shows a protuberant/dominant tooth which probably started off as an excessive transverse ridge (ETR).
The tooth had become so protuberant that it had worn the opposing tooth completely away causing two problems.
It would block the AP (forward/backwards) movement of the horses jaw forcing them to eat in alternative ways.
Caused a distema (space between teeth) in which food can become trapped causing painful periodontal disease.
Both of these problems would cause further related problems within the horses mouth.
In this case the protuberant tooth was simply reduced in size in appropriate stages and as long as it's maintained should never cause a problem.