Glenn Lean
Equine Dental Technician
EOTRH syndrome
(equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis)
The initial signs of EOTRH reported are the inability in grasping carrots or apples resulting in the horse becoming reluctant to accept these treats.
Other signs such as weight loss, head shaking, resistance to turning during work and shyness around the head are also indications of EOTRH.
If any of the above signs or symptoms are displayed it is wise to call your horse dentist to investigate.
EOTRH is a very painful condition most often see in horses older than 15 years of age. The cause of the disease is not fully known.
Although EOTRH mostly affects the incisors, it is advised that the canine teeth are also checked.
EOTRH is a degenerative disease the the pulp, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone become inflamed and infected leading to reduced structural support for the teeth, degradation of gingiva, increased incisor angle, fistula formation, tooth fracture, and pain and resulting in tooth loss or removal.